Red Lantern Robot in the BaLL Game
The robot named Red-Lantern can be said to be the most dangerous enemy in the game. Because as soon as you approach, it throws a thorny and lethal object as soon as you enter the field of view of the red flashlight it directs at you. Since the robot is very fast, it is very difficult to destroy it.

Movement type in the game:
- His movement pattern is in a straight direction.
- Turning on his Red Light and firing happens at the same time.
- Its red light freezes the player for a few seconds.
- Even if the bullet does not reach you, being frozen is a bad situation.
How to play in the game:
- The best option is to run away from him while his red-light is on.
- You will only have one shot from a distance, because a second shot is impossible after the nearby lamp is on.
- Run away and shoot, run away again and shoot.
Other robots and Enemy list of the Bubble Pop BaLL Game